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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The famine crisis in Africa has grown to the point where 20 million people are at risk of starvation, 10 million of which are children. When you hear numbers like that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed to the point of inaction. But Joelle McNamara has started Badala as a way to remind us that we can help one, and that one action can ripple out to effect an entire community.

When Joelle traveled to Africa for the first time she became friends with women who were prostituting themselves to feed their children. Instead of asking for handouts, everyone she met was asking for opportunities. Badala’s line of jewelry and accessories, and later housewares, was born out of this request for employment.

The Model: Badala created a micro-financing program for single mothers in impoverished communities who have been abandoned or widowed. They train and hire them so they can make fair trade items. With the income from making these products these women are able to pay their living expenses and send their children to school, ending the cycle of poverty.

A portion of the profits from these goods is then reinvested into eduction initiatives.

The education program is designed to raise up the future leaders of their communities. Students who qualify are given high school scholarships based on academic excellence, character, ambition and extreme need.

But remember this is NOT a hand out. This is not a mug with a logo on it thanking you for your donation. It’s beautiful, hand-made, high quality, reasonably priced jewelry, accessories and home goods.

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THE GOODS – Badala

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