The Doll Kind – “The Fair” Doll


Give Back: This doll encourages kids to be kind to others and reward kindness when they see it and with each purchase a doll is donated to a child in need.

1. Choose your doll. The Doll Kind dolls are soft and huggable dolls designed to be your child’s best friend. They are a symbol for kindness and a reminder to both children and parents to be a force for good.

2. Give your tokens. Each doll comes with 10 tokens. Teach your children to give their tokens out as an act of kindness. They can leave them with a waitress, a doctor, a nurse, a grandparent in a nursing home, or as a simple gesture – in secret or not. The special message imprinted on each token, ‘Pay it Forward’, will lift spirits and encourage the passing on of this act of kindness. The act of giving out the tokens brings joy and excitement to your child and will inspire other acts of kindness, helping them grow into charitable and compassionate adults.

3. A doll is donated. For each doll purchased, a doll will be donated by The Doll Kind to a child less fortunate. Donation sites include orphanages, hospitals, shelters, and more throughout the United States and countries across the world.


BUY FROM The Doll Kind - $59

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