

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Socks are the #1 most requested item in homeless shelters. Why?

  1. You can’t donate used socks (for obvious reasons)
  2. If you sleep on the streets you probably don’t take your shoes off at night for fear of them being stolen.
  3. If you don’t have a car and don’t have a bike you’re probably walking everywhere you need to go and that can be wearing on the socks you have.

All of this contributes to serious foot problems.

That’s why David Heath and Randy Goldberg created Bombas, with a mission of donating one pair of socks to a homeless shelter for every pair purchased. To date, they have donated over a million 5 million pairs.

And these aren’t your dad’s socks. When thinking up this business Dave and Randy reimagined and redesigned everything that bothered them about the socks already on the market. Bombas socks have built in arch support, a recessed toe seam, and are guaranteed not to slouch. In short, these are great socks. Great for you and great for someone who really needs them.

Socks come in a variety of lengths and colors.




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