
What is Good Biz?

Good Biz is short for Good Business. There are so many businesses give back to good causes, that donate “1 for 1” with each purchase or a portion of profits, or create a more sustainable product that gives back to the environment, or provide help where it is needed most, but they are often small and not very well known. Even though the goods they make are often superior they don’t have the marketing budgets to get noticed. GoodBiz.co is a collection of all of those businesses & their products in one place.

We want GoodBiz to be a curated experience with products you enjoy from businesses you can believe in so every product must meet two “good” requirements before it can be considered.

#1. Is Good – It has to be something you would want to give or get.
#2. Does Good – Has to contribute in some way to something greater. Be it people, environment, causes, charities,etc.

It’s simple but effective. We hope you’ll find something you like and choose to use your purchasing power to support these businesses that are creating something useful, beautiful, and inspiring.

Here are some good places to start your search for gifts that give back to good causes:

Gifts that give back to the environment

Gifts that give back to education

Gifts that support animals

Gifts that support women

Gifts that support veterans

Gifts that fight poverty 

– mike & beth

*P.S. If you’d like to get a recap of our most popular finds ONCE a month you can subscribe below. It’s nice email treat when it shows up in your inbox. [vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1539981453711{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]

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