Preemptive Love Coalition


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Preemptive Love goes into the front lines of the world’s most polarizing conflicts—in places like Syria and Iraq, and work with with locals to help provide local solutions to local problems. Solution like: life saving heart surgeries for children, emergency relief for families victimized by Isis, finding grants for small business owners, suppling education for high-risk children, facilitating peacemaking in conflict-zones, and counseling policy makers in Washington, Baghdad and beyond.

The products featured on Good Business are all handmade by refugees and give people who have lost everything a way to start rebuilding their lives. They already have the skills and knowledge they need to support themselves, Preemptive Love Coalition just helps get them the access and tools the need to get started. Your purchase completes the cycle, giving you an artisanal, all natural soap and the person who made it a sense of purpose and the pride of being able to support their family.

Preemptive Love’s mission is all about giving a hand up not a hand out, so they’ve made it possible for you to purchase items for displaced families that will be the first step to recovering financial independence.

Their work stretches beyond Iraq, Syria,  and the United States and is fueled by their three core values:

Love anyway. Show up. Get out of the way.

You can support families working to support themselves.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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