Warby Parker Pupils Project | goodbiz.co

Warby Parker – Pupils Project


Warby Parker has been featured on goodbiz.co many times for their men’s eyeglasseswomen’s eyeglasses and was one of the earliest, most well-known businesses to incorporate giving back into there core business. But beyond providing glasses to someone in need for every pair sold they also created “The Pupils Project” – a program that helps provide free vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses to to kids in NYC and Baltimore. The idea is to help students who may be struggling in class simply because they need proper corrective eyewear but do not have it or know they need it.

Their recently launched Pupils Project Collection is a collaboration with 10 NYC celebrities who helped design their signature eyeglass frames and 100% of your purchase of any of these frames will go towards the Pupils Project.

Learn More About The Pupil’s Project From Warby Parker

Warby Parker Pupils Project | goodbiz.co


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