Molly's Suds - Natural Laundry Detergent | GoodBiz

Molly’s Suds – Natural Laundry Detergent


Molly’s Suds Original Laundry Detergent Powder is a clean, natural laundry detergent that has none of the toxic chemicals found in most common laundry detergents. It is a great balance of safe for kids clothes ingredients but powerful enough for kids clothes cleaning power. Which if you have kids or have tried other “natural” detergents, you know is a hard needle to thread. We use it regularly and pair it with Friendship Organic Eco Wool Dryer Balls for a complete and natural wash & dry cycle.

These are the 5 key plant-based ingredients:

  • Sodium Carbonate sourced from the Green River Basin in Wyoming
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Magnesium Sulfate (Heptahydrate)
  • Unrefined Sea Salt
  • Essential Oil(s) and/or 100% Natural Fragrance(s)*

To read more about the story of how Molly’s Suds came to be, click here.

BUY FROM Molly's Suds - $22.99

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